By accessing www.steelers-bg.com an user agrees to apply with the following terms. In case of disagreement the user is not allowed to use the information on this page.
The content of this website is corporate property and belongs to STEELERS. All the rights unspecified here are considered to be reserved.
The content of this site is protected by The Law on Copyright and Related Rights and any unauthorized use may be an infringement of copyright, trademark or other laws.
Reproduction, transfer, distribution or retention of the content in any form without prior written consent of STEELERS is prohibited.
It is stipulated that the users can post comments on the offered goods and services in some sub-pages of this website. STEELERS is not responsible in any way and under no circumstances for the authenticity of the published information, no for the correctness and responsibility of the users who have posted comments. The users who have posted comments are entirely responsible for the accuracy of the information posted. STEELERS keeps its right to delete posts which are out of the topic or not written in Bulgarian.
STEELERS agrees the information on this site to be available on the users’ personal computers, the content in whole or in parts of this website to be printed for personal use, but it is not available under no circumstances for re-offering or commercial purposes. This website and its content are designed for the convenience of the user.
STEELERS do not guarantee against technical interruptions or errors on this web page. STEELERS keeps the right to change the content, to adjust or remove the access to any information on this site at any time without prior notice.